Free Projects and Tools for AWS IAM

Making the world slightly less scary

a TypeScript based IAM policy evaluation engine. It can test any request against identity policies, resource policies, service control policies, resource control policies, and permission boundaries while honoring the interplay between them within the same account or across accounts.

What in the world was Jacob thinking by "s3:*tO*T*"?
Utility to expand actions on their own or in json, terraform, or any other file.

Get under IAM Limits without giving your temperamental coworkers reasons to hate you. Paste in an IAM policy or a list of actions to shrink it down.

There are so many ways to write a policy! There are so many ways to parse a policy... An ORM like wrapper around IAM policies to simplify validating and analyzing policies.

An NPM package written in Typescript with all information from the SAR for IAM Actions, Condition Keys, and Resource Types. Checks for udpates daily and publishes a new package if there are any changes.

A Go package with all information from the SAR for IAM Actions, Condition Keys, and Resource Types. Checks for udpates daily and publishes a new package if there are any changes.